Making Satisfactory Progress Towards the Master's Degree
In order to remain in the Master's program and complete the degree a student must sustain satisfactory progress, including maintaining grades in accordance with The Graduate School standards. Below we simplify this process for the thesis and courses only/en-route tracks as a timeline. Below we also list progress assessment and grades requirements.
Thesis Track | Courses-Only Track and Masters en Route to PhD | |
Before enrolling in your first class | You must meet with the Master's Program Coordinator. Stop by during office hours, or email for an appointment if you have a class, or work
conflict. |
You must meet with the Master's Program Coordinator. Stop by during office hours, or email for an appointment if you have a class, or work
conflict. |
During the first semester in which you take a course that counts towards your Master's degree (not one of your foundational courses, if any) |
You must select a thesis advisor from among the GSoC faculty. |
You may select an advisor from among the GSoC faculty. Otherwise, the Master's Program Coordinator will be your advisor by default. |
By the end of your second semester | You must submit a completed Program of Study to your thesis advisor. This form must be signed by the thesis advisor and forwarded to the Master's Program Coordinator, who will send the form on through the proper channels. | You must submit a completed Program of Study to your advisor. This form must be signed by the academic advisor and forwarded to the Master's Program Coordinator, who will send the form on through the proper channels. |
At the end of each subsequent semester |
You must meet with your thesis advisor during the registration period of each semester prior to enrolling in courses to ensure that the Program of Study is being followed, or modified, to the satisfaction of the advisor.
You must meet with your advisor during the registration period of each semester prior to enrolling in courses to ensure that the Program of Study is being followed, or modified, to the satisfaction of the advisor. |
At or before the start of the semester before the semester in which you plan to graduate | Determine a thesis topic with your advisor and begin research work on that thesis. | NA |
At or before the start of the semester in which you intend to graduate | Begin writing your paper for publication and your thesis as you finish your research. | NA |
By the third Friday of the semester in which you intend to graduate |
1. Complete and submit a Graduation Application. 2. Schedule a room with the GSoC office for the date of your thesis defense two weeks prior to the final date allowed by the Graduate School for the master’s comprehensive exam. This exam must be scheduled on or before the 21st business day prior to the end of the semester in order for you to graduate during this semester. Optionally contact the GSoC Research Seminar coordinator about scheduling your thesis presentation during a research seminar. |
Complete and submit a Graduation Application. |
By the end of the fifth week of the semester in which you intend to graduate | Take the part of the thesis that you have completed to this point to The Graduate School to have it reviewed for format. | NA |
Two weeks prior to the final date allowed by the Graduate School for the master’s comprehensive exam. | Defend your thesis | NA |
Two weeks prior to your thesis defense | Submit your thesis and paper for publication to your committee. | NA |
After your comprehensive examination | Make any last corrections to your thesis required by your committee. Once approved by your advisor, the thesis must be submitted to The Graduate School. Do this before the 14th business day prior to the end of the semester, because The Graduate School must actually check and approve your thesis before that date expires. | NA |
Progress Assessment
The faculty as a whole will assess the progress of each graduate student at least once per year. The case for each graduate student will be presented by the student's advisor. Other faculty will then be able to discuss any issues with respect to the student's academic performance or professionalism. The faculty will then decide which of the following letters the student will receive:
- congratulations on satisfactory progress
- a warning of unsatisfactory progress and placement on academic probation
- dismissal from the program
Keep in mind that your attendance of the GSoC Research Seminar Series is a factor in this assessment. Failure to regularly attend these seminars will result in departmental probation. Lack of attendance will also put you at a disadvantage in GTA assignments.
The Graduate School has standards for grades and grade point averages that must be maintained by graduate students. The standards should be reviewed by every graduate student. Essentially, to avoid academic probation and/or dismissal from the University, a student must:
- maintain a cumulative 3.0 or better GPA over all courses taken, including any foundational courses you must take and any other courses not listed on your Program of Study.
- maintain a 3.0 or better GPA over the courses listed on the Program of Study.
- maintain a 3.0 or better GPA over the courses taken each semester.