Master's Courses-Only Track
Students on the courses-only track must complete a Program of Study of at least 30 credits. The Program of Study is to be filled out during a student's first semester of graduate school in consultation with his or her advisor.
Credit Requirements
Students on the courses-only track must complete a program of study of at least 30 credits, including
- CSCI 532, Algorithms, 3 credits
- CSCI 538, Computability, 3 credits
- The number of credits listed at the 500 level or higher on the program of study must total at least 21.
- No more than three credits total can appear on the program of study from CSCI 592 and CSCI 594 combined. (Note: Some 3-credit offerings of CSCI 594 that are first-time offerings of traditional graduate level courses are exempt from this restriction.)
- CSCI 598 may not appear on the program of study as part of the minimal 30 credits.
- Credits at the 400 level may be listed on the program of study, excluding CSCI 482, CSCI 483, CSCI 490, CSCI 491, CSCI 492, CSCI 494, CSCI 495 and CSCI 498.
- No course whose subject matter was taken in fulfillment of a previous degree (e.g., a BS in computer science degree) may be used. One exception to this rule arises if a student's advisor determines from an interview with a student and from a description of a course taken by the student with a title similar to a course offered at MSU that the subject matter of the previously taken course does not match the similarly-titled MSU course. In such a case, the student may include the similarly titled MSU course on the Program of Study at the advisor's discretion.
- No course that is a required foundational course or is a course listed on the Program of Study may be taken pass/fail.
Elective coursework listed on the program beyond CSCI 532 and CSCI 538 is determined by the student in consultation with his or her graduate advisor.