Ph.D. Annual Reviews
Description: In order to remain in the Ph.D. program, a student must sustain consistent and satisfactory progress towards the degree, including maintaining grades in accordance with The Graduate School standards.
Timeline: Each Ph.D. student is evaluated annually by the faculty. Starting with Academic Year 2024-2025, this evaluation occurs each April.
Outcomes: There are three possible outcomes for the Timely and Satisfactory Progress evaluation:
- The student passes and continues with his or her studies.
- The student is put on probation and given one year to improve the quality of his or her graduate work.
- The student fails and is dropped from the Ph.D. program.
Academic Year 2024-2025 Review
- Students who started in Spring 2024 or earlier are required to meet with their academic committee members at least once per year to provide an update on their progress and to receive feedback. This meeting should ideally take place during the first three months of 2025. Feedback from this meeting should be included on the GREAT form. Both the qualifying exam and the comprehensive exam can be used as the annual meeting.
- Students who started in Summer 2024 or later do not need to meet with their academic committee members before submitting the GREAT form.
- Submit the GREAT form no later than Friday, April 11th, 2025.