Official Communication Channels
Stay up to date with information, announcements, and special events happening in the School of Computing!! The major channels that we use to communicate are: Slack and CS-Announce! (If you have ideas for other ways to communicate, please share them with the department office (
Slack Information
To sign up for Slack, go ahead and follow the following steps:
- Follow this link:
- Use your or email address to sign up, and update your name to your first and last name
- Finally, change your profile picture in Slack (Click on your profile icon in the top right, and select Edit Profile from the drop down) so we can have a better idea of who you are!!
- If you have issue joining, email the School of Computing Office (!!
CS-Announce Information
To sign up for CS-Announce, go ahead and follow these following steps:
- Log into your preferred email address, or the email address you check daily.
- Create a new message, to the sender
- For the subject line, make it the following: "subscribe cs-announce Fname Lname" with your First and Last name (case sensitive) being filled.
- Send the email, and you should receive confirmation that you were added.