- 2024. The School begins offering a Data Science B.S.
- 2023. The School begins offering a Cybersecurity M.S.
- 2022. Larry and Anne Hambly create the endowed Hambly Chair in Computer Science.
- 2022. The Gianforte Family Foundation provides a generous building gift.
- 2020. The School begins offering a Data Science minor.
- 2019. The School begins offering a Data Science M.S and a teaching minor.
- 2018. The School begins offering a Computer Science B.A. degree.
- 2016. The Gianforte School of Computing is established.
- 2014. EPS 254 is remodeled into a Japanese-themed, Student Success Center.
- 2009. The department begins offering a courses-only Master's degree.
- 2008. The department splits its Computer Science B.S. degree into a professional option and an interdisciplinary option.
- 2002. Michael Grinder earns the first Ph.D. degree.
- 1997. The department moves to the third floor of the EPS Building.
- 1997. The department begins offering a Ph.D. degree.
- 1984. The existing business applications, systems and professional options for a B.S. degree are replaced by one unified degree.
- 1984. The department becomes autonomous.
- 1981. The department begins offering an M.S. degree.
- 1981. The department expands into the 5th floor of Cobleigh Hall.
- 1979. The department is merged with the Electrical Engineering department.
- 1974. The department is merged with the Industrial Engineering department.
- 1969. The department is founded on the 3rd and 4th floors of Roberts Hall.
- 2022, 2016, 2010, 2004. The department receives ABET accreditation.
- 1998, 1992. The department receives CSAB accreditation.
Current Faculty
- John Paxton. 1990 - present.
- Hunter Lloyd. 1997 - present.
- Brendan Mumey. 1998 - present.
- Binhai Zhu. 2000 - present.
- John Sheppard. 2008 - present.
- Clem Izurieta. 2009 - present.
- Brittany Fasy. 2015 - present.
- Sean Yaw. 2018 - present.
- Dan DeFrance. 2018 - present.
- Laura Stanley. 2019 - present.
- Carson Gross. 2020 - present.
- Reese Pearsall. 2022 - present.
- Ann Marie Reinhold. 2022 - present.
- Neda Nazemi. 2022 - present.
- Matt Revelle. 2023 - present.
- Fangtian Zhong. 2023 - present.
- Iliana Castillon. 2024 - present.
- Adiesha Ralalage. 2024 - present.
- Mike Wojnowicz. 2025 - present.
Gianforte School of Computing Directors
- 2016 - present. John Paxton.
Computer Science Department Heads
- 2007 - 2016. John Paxton.
- 2003 - 2007. Michael Oudshoorn.
- 2002 - 2003. Rocky Ross.
- 1984 - 2002. Denbigh Starkey.
- 1979 - 1984. Don Pierre (EE and CS).
- 1974 - 1979. John Ritchey (IE and CS).
- 1969 - 1974. Louis Schmittroth.
Former Faculty
Mary Ann Cummings (2018-2024), Lucy Williams (2022-2023), Mike Wittie (2011-2022), Dave Millman (2016-2022), Veronika Strnadova-Neeley (2018-2021), Travis Peters (2019-2021), Upulee Kanewala (2015-2020, Gianforte Faculty Fellow), Indika Kahanda (2016-2020), Rance Harmon (2017-2018), Qing Yang (2011 - 2017, RightNow Technologies Assistant Professor), Rocky Ross (1983 - 2015), Rafal Angryk (2004 - 2013), Denbigh Starkey (1984 - 2011), Year-Back Yoo (1986 - 2011), Jian Neil Tang (2006 - 2010), Anne Defrance (1988 - 2007), Dan Wessol (Visiting INEEL Researcher 1990 - 2007), Michael Oudshoorn (2003 - 2007), Ray Babcock (1980 - 2006), Gary Harkin (1974 - 2005), Bob Cimikowski (1990 - 2002), Brenda Sonderegger (1991 - 2001), Barb Ellestad (1995 - 1997), Marty Faulkner (1969 - 1992), Bruce Ivey (1989 - 1991), Donna McClelland (1986 - 1990), Nancy Kinnersley (1985 - 1989), Robert Gerardy (1980, 1983 - 1987), Jane Stone (1983 - 1987), Dave Barber (1981 - 1986), Nick Weyland (1983 - 1986), Betty Coffey (1976 - 1984), Michael Lassner (1981 - 1984), Robert Campbell (1981 - 1983), Linda Anderson (1982 - 1983), Wayne Anderson. (1982 - 1983), Sidkazam Taghva (1981-1982), Delbert D. (1980-1981), Bob Lord (1969 - 1974, 1976 - 1977), Jim Williams (1970s), Bob Motsch (1970s)