Semester Start Checklist (compliments of Dan)
- Archive old emails, file away old exams, lecture notes, etc.
- Merge D2L sections by e-mailing Julie Tatarka
- Update schedule on webpage and door
- Submit office hours into Activity Insight, :: "Web Profile"
- Post office hours on faculty page,
- Establish website, textbook, IDE, supplies
- Get final exam for syllabus,
- Create course syllabi (just the dates, lecture topics, reading sections, assignments,
- Create course pages (contact info, time/place, TAs, outcomes, resources, policies,
grading, msu links)
- Schedule exams with testing services,
- Set up D2L: content for each week, overview/welcome, assignments/grades, banner image,
activate course
- Set up computer: class folders, slideshows template, bookmarks, desktop, exam template
- Plan first lectures: introduction, slide shows, IDE demos, overview of course pages
and syllabus
- TAs: e-mail and meet them, add their e-mail/office hours to syllabus, add them to
D2L (week 2)
Gianforte School of Computing
357 Barnard Hall
P.O. Box 173880
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-3880
Phone: (406) 994-4780
Director: John Paxton