Committees and Service at MSU
Gianforte School of Computing, 2024-2025
- ACM Advisor: John Paxton
- Assessment: Hunter Lloyd, Brendan Mumey, John Paxton, Binhai Zhu
- Awards: Hunter Lloyd, Brendan Mumey, John Paxton, Laura Stanley
- AWC Advisor: Iliana Castillon
- Broadening Participation in Computing: John Paxton, Brittany Fasy, Laura Stanley, Keri Hallau
- Certification Officer: Hunter Lloyd
- Faculty Search: John Sheppard (chair), Ann Marie Reinhold, Brad Whitaker (ECE), Ernesto Ortiz Rey (student), Ana Gaskill (admin)
- Graduate Admissions Committee: Sean Yaw (M.S. Studies Director, Orientation Director), (Binhai Zhu (Ph.D. Studies Director), Laura Stanley (replacing Brittany Fasy who is on sabbatical)
- Internship Oversight: Hunter Lloyd
- Retention, Promotion and Tenure: Clem Izurieta (appointed to replace Brittany who is on sabbatical and elected through AY 2026), Brendan Mumey (appointed through AY 2026), Binhai Zhu (elected through AY 2026)
- Scholarships: John Paxton, Reese Pearsall, Laura Stanley
- Seminar Oversight: Matt Revelle
- Transfer Student Advisor: Hunter Lloyd (year round)
Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering, 2024-2025
- Awards Committee: Binhai Zhu
- Curriculum Development and Accreditation: John Sheppard
- Distinguished Professor Selection Committee: Brittany Fasy
- Graduate Programs: John Sheppard
- International Engineering Certificate Advisor: John Paxton
- Research Council: John Sheppard
- Retention, Promotion and Tenure: Vacant
Montana State University, 2024-2025
- Applied Research Laboratory Policy Advisory Group: John Sheppard, Clem Izurieta
- Faculty Senate: Clem Izurieta, TBD (Alternate)
- High Performance Computing Advisory: John Sheppard
- Institute on Ecosystems Faculty Advisory: Clem Izurieta
- Lutheran Campus Ministry Advisor: John Sheppard
- Master of Science in Data Science Steering Committee: Neda Nazemi
- oSTEM at Montana State Advisor: John Paxton
Our faculty also lead many research groups at the department and university level. More information.